Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday-my day to prepare for the week

Sundays at my house are laid back. After making breakfast,reading the paper, enjoying coffee. We get ready and dressed to go to our meeting. After being spiritually fed, we come home eat again. Take a nap. And my sweetie likes to watch a game on t.v. See laid back.
 I really like to sit down at some point during the day with my planner and notebook, and start making my to-do lists for the week.
 I usually write down things like:
Cleaning schedules
Days to carpool SS
Calls to make
Days and times I am working
Preperation for the meeting and ministry
Date night
Days and times for appointments
Grocery list and shopping days
Bills that are due

Now I wish that I could say that I am able to get all of these things done perfectly and done in a timely manner. But I am not perfect. FAR from it.
So, I still write down my goals for the week and shoot for it. Some weeks are great and others not so great. But that is life right?
 Right now however I am focusing on getting up early, like woman in Proverbs 31:15 
She also gets up while it is still night, and gives food to her household and the prescribed portion to her young women.

When I get up before the rest of my family, i go to my quiet spot and open my bible. I read the scriptures that I have selected for the day,write in my journal and pray for God's guidence and direction over my day.  When I do this simple thing. It is AMAZING how my day goes. I feel confident and happy. I am kinder person. And I accomplish SO much.

So that is my #1 on thing that I plan for. If nothing else happens or I get behind on the laundy. As long as I have read my bible for the day and I have kind and loving wife to my husband. I have accomplished a great deal!

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